
By Navya Shukla


By third year Jordyn Faucette

my back aches, my feet are trembling, and my nails are digging into my chest

the pains of behaving the pains of performing

    the pains of caring the pains of wanting 

      the pain of being

the pains of holding myself together strike every nerve ending

as i sit atop the pedestal I built I am beginning to grow fatigued. the prospect of arching my back to make myself more desirable but cover myself up to make myself less provocative. the prospect of holding this pose, of keeping my face demure my body hot my mind dull 

the prospect is too much

I may not know it yet, 

but you are beside me

back aching

feet trembling

nails digging

you are beside me. 

I may not know it yet,

but you are beside me

I’m not ready yet, 

I’m not ready to lift my chin

to slouch my back

to rest my feet

I’m not ready yet,

to cover my body

and uncover my mouth

I’m not ready yet, 

but when I am, we can stand up, and 



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