If Walls Could Talk, They’d Tell Me How Much They Love You
photo by Aubrey Ford
If Walls Could Talk, They’d Tell Me How Much They Love You
by fourth year Aubrey Ford
if walls could talk, i wonder what they’d say about who lived here before
were they kind?
did they adorn your walls and carpet your floors?
was your porch brought good company and far too many way-too-deep chats?
i hope this house was loved before we arrived
i pray those past were fond of your quirks
i wonder if their washing machine broke, too
i wish that the creaky stairs didn’t wake them up in the middle of the night
i hope these walls were good to them
they have been far better to me than i could have imagined
the first night i slept here, i was so afraid of my future
what will become of me? will anyone meet me where i stand?
bed on the floor, a desk of leftover cardboard, and a shower curtain to my name
i thought everything would stay exactly the same
oh, if these walls could talk
each space has flourished
so have we
my room is mine now
my walls have seen my cheerful smiles, practiced speeches
imaginary concerts, my worst defeats
and yet, these walls still watch over me
your room has become yours
but your kind heart has never turned me away
i am welcome and safe in your presence
you protect me just as your walls do
the spaces we share are warm and colorful and inviting
just as you are to me
i wonder; how many mundane conversations
hugs right when i need them
shared meals
and understanding smiles
have built this place into our home?
what a blessing it is to share our lives
these walls have seen it
and so have i
the greatest gift this house gave me was the privilege of loving you
who knew that four years later, you would still be right by my side?
certainly not i
the walls of this house stood when i felt like everything was falling apart
i thought these walls would tear down around me
i thought i was lost, hopeless, abandoned, and alone
but you always remain when the ashes settle and these walls always withstand, too
if walls could talk, they’d tell me how much they love you
all my love to this home, all my love to you.