In Search of Stillness
In Search of Stillness
by third year Teresa Lu
to you:
who is searching for home
and can not find it
for you:
who hears the word “home” and
hears ceramic shattering on kitchen walls
tastes salt on the pillowcase and smoke on your tongue
who has realized:
it is too easy to find someone who feels like home
but much harder to keep them
because ultimately,
home tastes like loneliness
who has tried:
to build a home, filled with a family found over the years
brimming with music
where laughter dances as light streams through the windows
and every corner holds a cherished memory
craves the familiar chaos
i wish you forgiveness and acceptance on your search:
to get overly angry at the small things
to lose yourself in the smoke
to sleep the day away
or even run when joy finally finds you
i want you to know that when you reach home:
you will hate what you find
it will be kind and inevitable and gross all at once
too quiet for comfort, and you will want to escape the stillness
i’m here to tell you to stay:
against all the urges in your body telling you to leave,
it has honed this protective instinct
but know you are safe now
here, in this gentle and tender space
let yourself idle
put as many pillows on the bed as you’d like
stock the fridge with your favorite foods
watch TV all day and maybe adopt a cat
look at what you have created
call it what you’d like