searching for something beautiful (you don't have to look very far)

photo by sophie mcleod

searching for something beautiful (you don’t have to look very far)

 third-year meghan hawley

“Everywhere you go, you shall find dramatic splendor and awe because your majestic soul is part of the vivid whole, and nothing about you is ignoble.”

― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls


creased cheeks as the young girl smiles daily

the mother breathes in a laugh in her lung

for her father’s dimple has the baby

with a life as fresh as the song unsung. 


oh! to watch lovers kiss in the moonlight

on one knee they drop with forever’s vow.

the stone gleams in a shining burst of bright

eternity for love they ask right now.


i see you, completely made is my week

the hours pass in a wonderful haze.

i find my laugh mirrored onto your cheek

and i find alluring mirth in your gaze.


love’s found all around and joy’s what I hear

when towards signs of beauty does my gaze veer.

The Chapel Bell