Red Lights

Red Lights

by fourth year Alexis Kelley 

I walked into the house the other day and the red lights were on. 

As i walked up the dark porch steps, 

after a long day of things and meetings and more things, 

i could hear the chatter and laughter of my 

favorite people. 

Opening the door, i’m warmed by the smell of brownies

and the brewing of tea.

Everyone looks my way and i smile and say, 

“Besties, i’m home” 

We hung the red lights in the kitchen a few years ago for christmas.

We bought normal string lights, and added the red 

because they were on sale.

After lugging in a real tree and making our own ornaments that

feature our silly faces,

our decorative minds were inspired enough to 

line the cabinets with red string lights.

And we never took them down 

because go dawgs 

But now they serve as an aesthetic for “jolly time”.

This concept was also created at christmas time 

(we’re not obsessed, just spirited).

It happens at that time of night when we’re all most exhausted,

we come out of our rooms and gather at the kitchen table.

Someone makes a few mugs of tea to stay awake,

baked goods are a plus, but not a necessity,

a candle is lit 

and we talk 

We talk about everything.

How was your day? What ever happened with that crazy group project? 

Didn’t you say that your parents are coming this weekend?

How are they doing; did your dad’s dr appointment go well?

That concert we went to last week was the best, we should buy 

tickets for next year.

Then we can see each other again 


Because by then we won’t be living together 

after 4 whole years of our lives, we’ll be apart for the first time 

we’ll be at different points in our life

you’ll be married, you’ll be living across the world, 

and you’ll be killing it no matter where you end up.

The tears well, but we’re not going to be sad till April

Back to “jolly time”.

You can learn about our entire lives there.

If there was ever anything you wanted to know about us, 

come to the table and you’ll learn.

We have unexpected passions and in this kitchen,

we’re not afraid to share them.

The topic of conversation always starts normal and then 

gets deeper as we discuss the different experiences we’ve had together

and the thoughts we carry with us 

If the walls of that kitchen could speak they’d tell you about 

our favorite snow day freshman year

or that time we went hiking in north georgia 

or how all of our family is from the same small town, south georgia 

but we didn’t become friends till college.

They’d tell you about drives to chattanooga or our home towns 

or the hours and hours of foursquare and frisbee 

we played in our driveway during

zoom school 

They’d tell you about budding love.

 and how hard it is to talk about it.

And more often, about the impracticality of dating and love.

They could share about the whispers they’ve heard us speak outside 

looking at the stars or soaking up the sun

with the appropriate playlist playing for each. 

They’d tell you about our horrible dog, 

but how sweet the new one is.

All the things that make us, us - these walls have heard

The people who sit in these chairs, around this tall table

And sip on these mugs with us are our favorite. 

It's not just the walls that have heard us, it’s our people.

Sometimes they come and go, but they’ve 

helped us fill our house to the brim with memories. 

So if you need some “jolly time”, 

gather your people,

line your kitchen cabinets with red lights 

and start talking.

The Chapel Bell