Emotional Pandemic

fourth year anchal kumar 


photo by melissa wright


Have you seen the news?

Blue light warms our faces, absorbing the shock

It’s here, it roams free, choosing its next victim

Shaking our heads in disbelief

Muffled voices push further into the pillow

It’s all a dream



Why us?

It comes closer, its grip tightens

Testing the human spirit

Rebellious hearts quiver with fear

People rush to collect supplies

The end seems near



Who will survive?

Beaming with rage, We disobey

Pushing past others

Exposing our face

Blemished with arrogance and crumbling with fear

I becomes stronger than We

It’s breaking



Are you there?

I stands tall for isolation

Mirrors and the soft blue light accompany us

Words on a screen illuminate tangible friendships

A new form of human spirit

Endless restless nights numb the fear

This is the new normal



When will it end?

Keep going, We say

Ferociously fighting against it

For fear is a meek solution

To an invisible villain

The Chapel Bell