
second year carolina benoit

photo by melody modarressi

photo by melody modarressi

We always condemn comparing ourselves to others - and for good reason. Every individual person is a blessing, a galaxy, a treasure, brimming with complexities that create and define individuality. We are all different, but it does not follow that different is bad! Without differences, the world would be comprised of 7 billion clones. Where is the advantage in that? These unique aspects of our personalities add vibrancy to our lives while comparisons extract them. Diversity is beautiful, and that's why comparisons aren't. While we're starting to finally be okay with not comparing ourselves to other people, we also need to talk about comparing ourselves to ourselves. We feel or do something good one day and feel awful if we don’t replicate that same thing the next. Sometimes, I’m so productive I belong in the Marvel comic books. Other times, I'm so sedentary that my FitBit thinks I took a nap (hey FitBit- I didn't. I just really like The Office, okay?) Recently, though, I’ve struggled with being hard on myself, because I didn't work out as often or as hard as I did last week, or I haven't gotten as much done as I did yesterday, or I haven't been as positive today as I usually try to be. Sometimes, these types of comparisons can be helpful. They can be motivational or inspirational and force you to fake it until you make it. At other times, though, they can be so detrimental. When I try to live up to my past peak performance at all times, I forget to be kind to myself. I forget to remind myself that taking a moment to relax without worrying about anyone or anything else is crucial to true happiness in life. While comparing yourself to no one but yourself can be a great philosophy, it can also lead us down dangerous paths. Comparisons take us out of the moment, and in life, sometimes that's exactly where we should be. Throw out last year, throw out last week, throw out yesterday and focus on Today’s You. You are always enough, so take the next five minutes and love yourself in every aspect of who you are. Stop thinking. Breathe. Live.