10 Things To Do Before You Graduate

by Arantxa Villa

10 Things To Do Before You Graduate

By senior Rosalie Richey



Just do it. It doesn’t matter how cold or halfway to naked you are, it’s a must.

9. Take a last-minute weekend trip.

Be spontaneous. It’s okay to sacrifice some assignments and grades for a little fun, these are the best years of your life after all.

8. Throw a house party.

Loud music, dancing, socializing, and getting absolutely wasted, all to your credit. What could scream “college” more than that?

7. Get a significant other and/or have lots of sex. *especially if you’ve never before* 

You’re young, it’s time to explore a little and figure out who you like and what you want.

6. Join a club or student organization.

You can’t experience college in full unless you get involved. Meet some new people, advocate for something you’re passionate about, or just do something fun. 

5. Meet and surround yourself with those you can call friends for life. 

Universities are a melting pot. There are plenty of people you can meet that will teach you something about the world and bring out the best in you.

4. Take yourself on a date/spend time getting to know yourself

Independence can be intimidating. Take some time to take care of yourself and learn what brings you peace, happiness, and what makes your soul prosper.  

3. Conquer FOMO.

There will always be fun to have. Listen to your mind and body and decide what options are best for you in the moment. 

2. Discover what you're passionate about, or don’t.

You’re only in your 20s, there is always time to decide where your life is going. And if you do know, you have the ambition, you have the ability; you got this.

1. Realize that the joy of life does not stop when you graduate. 

Beautiful things, people, and experiences still await you.

The Chapel Bell