33.9519° N, 83.3576° W

33.9519° N, 83.3576° W

by Audrey Hamm

College is a leap of faith; it feels like nothing is guaranteed. 

It’s crazy that we all have different stories, different reasons, about why we decided to come to UGA. Thousands of us from unique backgrounds, fate leading our footsteps to this small town.

I have days where I’m walking around campus and just think “I have so much love for this place.” I think Athens is super beautiful in a million ways. There’s so much around you and always something to discover. I like the new houses, coffee shops, study spots, trees... I still have to find my tree!

If anybody has seen Gilmore Girls, you know what I mean;)

Probably one on North Campus, where every type of student can be seen. The nature admirer, book-worm, headphones-in-focused-walker, couple with a picnic, etc. 

I didn’t expect some places to be a part of my journey so far.

Lamar-Dodd Art School, where I last minute signed up to take an Art History intro course my first semester. It was challenging and frustrating, but interesting and unique. The walls of Lamar Dodd are filled with student’s work and changes about every month. 

The Journalism Building, which has a certain buzz and energy to it. I didn’t know my major coming in, but I always knew I had a love for writing and communities big and small.

My quickly curated obsession with Jittery Joe’s, especially the one at Five Points. Something about it feels so cozy and inviting. I have so many memories of going there with my family and friends whenever they have visited me.

And there are places I knew would fit their way right into pictures on my camera roll.

All the boutiques downtown, and taking mental notes of what to get next time (or when I had a little extra money).

The food scene in Athens: I have tried a lot of places that have become some of my staples, and still so many to go to.

Sanford Stadium. I love riding the bus across the bridge… a few seconds worth of the best view ever.

When Brook Whitmire asks us on Saturday if our blood runs red and black, we roar (or should I say bark) in pride.

There is NOTHING like being a dawg.

Nothing like ringing the bell after acing an exam you put in countless hours into studying for, like people watching downtown on a Friday night, like the excitement we all have for one day walking under the Arch as a graduate…

For many of us, Athens feels like a second home because of those special people, the incredible places, and the life-lasting memories.

This whole experience is exactly what you make of it.

The Chapel Bell