an ode to the college town bar

photo by arantxa villa

an ode to the college town bar

fourth year shannon moran

in homage to my second home for four years. this is for you, Athens. 

the college town bar bears witness to the first legal (and illegal) drink, beginnings of friendships, heartbreak, laughter, tears, love–you name it, their walls have seen it. 

over the past four years, the Athens bar scene has seen me: 

launch a skeeball into the wall of cutters

vandalize the bathroom walls of rowdy goose (shhhh)

devour glass after glass of free goldfish from church

scream “THE BUILDING IS GOING TO COLLAPSE, PEOPLE” on the second floor of centro

try (and fail) to tame my frizzy hair in the humidity of bourbon

plummet down the spiral staircase at allgood

reluctantly pound my fists onto buddha’s sticky counters

tell complete strangers my entire life story in line for cloud

and “accidentally” spill my extremely strong drink down the toilet of 9ds. 

one day, i’ll return to find names changed, doors closed, and familiar faces gone. but my memories will still reside on the streets stretching from broad to clayton. memories of crowded dance floors, lines out the door, and drinks spilled on shoes. 

cheers, Athens. we’ve had a good run.

The Chapel Bell