In every color, in every way: A new picture

photo by arantxa villa

In every color, in every way: A new picture

By second-year Audrey Hamm

Think about your best friend, or your best friends. Think about how much we don’t tell them, how many good things we think, how much love we don’t say. 

I have been best friends with five girls for almost 10 years now.  

I am the color blue, 100% fully and authentically. Always trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the pouring rain. I want to be everything to those close to me, but I try to do so with an ease and a confidence that I am still trying to find. 

One is pink. We grew up together like wildflowers, dancing in the wind. She made sure I made  pinky promises for everything. Holding her hand gave me power in knowing that if I just followed my gut and stayed true to myself, I would be as bold and strong as her. 

One is yellow. She gives her all to be bright and courageous. She will not let go because she knows I will; we see each other straight through. We’ve spent a lot of our summers together, and once walked around the streets of New York City, pretending the city was made just for us.  

One is green. A soul mine was drawn to instantly and has relied on constantly. If you go, or do, so will I, because home feels like gossiping with you, not even realizing hours have passed by. Oh, and I absolutely love her laugh. 

One is teal. She talks about her dreams loudly and passionately, teaching me how to live my life like it’s not a secret. We’ve always gone about things differently, but somehow, in some way, our paths always intertwine. 

One is violet. I never know what I need when I’m having a bad day until she texts me. Her resilience grows everyday, beautiful and blooming like lavender. She makes sure that the people she loves know it, which is really inspiring. 

All of this time, even though they have shown me so much love, I have been worried since coming to school about growing apart from them and how different life would look. What I have learned, though, is that not all change is bad change.

the pictures of you and I

slipping away into the lake

the water serves as a screen 

for all of the memories we have made 

and all the other ones I imagine

we will have one day 

I’d like to toast to your ghosts for now

so raise your glass

to celebrate the highs and lows

for all the times I made you laugh

when you made the wrong decision

but I still had your back 

the colors swirl together 

and create a new picture

a truth about us

radiant change configures

winter has passed and now you and I

are caught behind icey, frozen glass

all I can do is look, as I walk around 

waiting for the new spring grass

hoping you and I can break it together

eager for the day you’ll come back

I know people come and go

and not everything is the same

but I loved you then

and I love you to this day

If you’re wanting to tell your friends how much you love them, to put those thoughts into words, I’m sure this is what you’re thinking, what we’re all thinking:

You supported who I always have been, have shaped who I am, 

and have encouraged my becoming. I always want the best for you, whether I am alongside you to achieve it, or cheering on from a distance. I wouldn’t be the same without you 

because I wouldn’t know what true friendship means.  

The Chapel Bell