A Senior's Search History

photo by navya shukla

A Senior’s Search History 

by fourth year alexis kelley

🔍 How to find a job | 🎙️

Is it too much to type into google that I’m freaking out and I want to find an entry level job that I enjoy, that sends me to fun places, that pays well, and that is helpful and meaningful for the world? 

    🔍 How to find your passions |🎙️

What if I have no passions? What if I can never get to the places I want to get to? What if there’s no way to get paid for the things I enjoy? These articles saying “if you have to look for your passion, you’re probably not passionate about it. Passions are things that you don’t have to think about” IS NOT HELPFUL

🔍Entry level marketing jobs → marketing internship in Chattanooga, TN | 🎙️

Ok, ok living in Tennessee could be fun. I would be close-ish to family and could find friends there. I could definitely market for a book company, doing market research on readers would actually be super interesting and good for my reading life. 

🔍 Living in Chattanooga | 🎙️

Woah #59 best place to live, that’s cute. And a 16.1 mile long trail throughout the city, I could be an outdoorsy gal. And the cost of living is less than the national average, not totally sure what that entails, but sounds nice. “Big small town” sounds adorable. And omg the coffee shops are SO good. I could go to work and bike down to a little coffee shop, finish up some work or get coffee with a friend and then go home to this cutie apartment with 2 bedrooms and an open floor plan.

Wait…  job search lol 

🔍 Is being a librarian crazy | 🎙️

Lol who knew you needed a master’s degree to be a librarian. Well, maybe more school wouldn’t be the worst… Imagine being in a library all day and finding rare books for a cool books and creating a love of books in a community!

🔍 Where to get a masters in library science |  🎙️

Why is even finding a good school for this already boring me, maybe something else…

   🔍How to have a career in books → publishing internship in Boston, MA | 🎙️

“Needs to be willing to read through ‘slush pile’ and connect with authors” welp, that would be just the best. I’m great at reading random things and having opinions on them. And living in Boston? That would be so fun. I could live right by The Well Coffee House and do any remote work there and then just walk over to Quincy Market and spend so much time walking those perfect cobblestone streets and finding random hole in the wall book stores. 

🔍 Pinterest.com | 🎙️

Time to start a future life pinterest board complete with Boston in the fall, city scapes, and fun apartment vibes. Maybe it’s not so scary to think about the future. It can be fun to picture myself in fun different places. I can enjoy the place I’m in now and be excited to start from scratch soon. Instead of dread and stress about worst case scenarios, I’ll remember that life will be ok, and the search for what comes next can inspire some fun daydreaming.  

The Chapel Bell