Writer's Block

photo by prashant kolachala

photo by prashant kolachala

Writer’s Block 

third year srija sengupta 

They’re nowhere to be found

They, that once flowed through my pen

I’ve pushed and pushed and pushed

Still I don’t know if I’ll see them again

I’ve looked for them on the ceiling

But the surface is painted smooth

I’ve looked under my bed 

But all I found were filthy untruths

I’ve sought them in cobwebbed corners

But all I touched was dust

I’ve searched the threads on my sweaters

And proclaimed the operation a bust

I’ve trampled through the backyard lawn

And left no stone unturned

I’ve rummaged through the kitchen cabinets

The result? Nothing, but my eggs burned

They’re out there, I know

All brash and bold and free

For now, I’ll live my life

And one day, they’ll come back to me

The Chapel Bell