Stay with Sycamore

photo by prashant kolachala

photo by prashant kolachala

Stay with Sycamore

fourth year shannon moran 

Stay there in that golden haze

there in that meadow on the fringes of town 

past the bricks and bones of reality 

nestled beneath the arms of a sycamore tree

damp earth cradling your fragile body 

tangled brown curls billowing in the wind 

there in that sanctuary with muddied mauve overalls

and round, freckled cheeks

Search for flower fairies 

braid dandelions into delicate crowns 

stomp cushions of emerald moss

beckon sparrows through pursed lips

splash in Sycamore’s confetti

Stay before such sweetness fades 

before mother and father 

drag you from ol’ Sycamore’s embrace

mist glazing over olive eyes as you return  

to insecurity

to sorrow

Scale the rope ladder to freedom

take shelter among the foliage 

steady yourself against silent bark 

as chainsaws roar 

blades penetrating Syc’s armor 

reducing your formidable friend to splinters

Stay for soon you will find yourself 

with damaged blonde hair

seeking out those blossoming branches 

but finding only pavement 

and there you will collapse upon the remains of dear Syc 

mourning over your lone protector 

So, stay. 

Stay there with those roots 

so deep they become your anchors

The Chapel Bell