Morning Moods

photo by prashant kolachala

photo by prashant kolachala

Morning Moods 

3rd year alexis kelley 




I’m curled up in a knot of blankets and pillows as the sun peeks through my sheer curtains, shining on the vase of yellow flowers on my nightstand. But it’s not time to notice these details yet. I  roll over, closing my eyes.



BANG PLOP!! B-b-b-beeeeppp b-b-b-beeeepppp. Eyes fly open. How is it possible that my roommate  drops something in the kitchen at the exact  time my alarm goes off. It’s too cold to get out of bed. I don’t want to have to do all the things …



My to-do list starts to scroll through my head: get out of  bed, brush teeth, pick out outfit, make coffee, make lunch, leave for class, drive to internship. When will I do my homework? Don’t I have an exam this?— I think I’m supposed to hang with Soph during lunch—



Wait‚ stop stressing— take a breath and get out of the bed. That proves a little difficult. How is it even possible to have the blankets both upside down and wrapped around you 5 times— who sleeps like this? I pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste: I walk back to my bedside and read the messages I haven’t seen yet. 



Text from Peter at 12:47am: ‘hey made it home, goodnight a lexus <3’ incoming text from Nat, ‘mornin buddy’ ‘could u ask Reba for her stuffed peppers recipe, it looked so good’ I smile to myself, reply to my sweet friends, and go back to the sink. Then I take the next couple steps back in my room and to my closet—no nothing in here—to the t-shirt drawers.



Hmm what shirt, what shirt, what color shorts do I have that are clean? Oof only pink, guess it’s grey black or white. I don’t want to wear any of these, idk what to wear, what’s the weather?

Not Surprised


High of 98, humidity 8000% of course.

Slightly Embarrassed


Gotta make lunch. Grab bread, turkey, cheese. Pull the kitchen chair next to the shelf with baggies on it so that I can reach them, gosh we should move these.



Stuff everything into bag, lock door. Are my neighbor’s truck windows taped closed with packing tape? That’s resourceful— makes me feel better about my life.



Oh yea, I’m late. Unlock car, open back door to throw in backpack and stuff wallet in pocket, close door and open the front, slide in and start the car. Pick music while backing up because efficiency.



Hey only three minutes late, say a prayer that there’s no traffic while turning out of my neighborhood and singing along to the music— I made it out of the house.

The Chapel Bell