An Ode to All My Quirky Friends (And their friends too)

third year evan lasseter

photo by moranel gober

photo by moranel gober

I think the absolute, most rad thing you can be is edgy and quirky. When I think about my biggest inspirations, the people I dream to be, they are all edgy, quirky, or both! Look no further than Tyler Joseph, Kendrick Lamar, Kurt Cobain, and even Jesus of Nazareth himself. All of them are naturally unique, odd, creative, innovative, weird, and so much more. In fact, I feel pretty confident that is the reason most people love them. What is Twenty One Pilots if Tyler Joseph doesn’t scream on “Car Radio,” then shave his head in the music video? What is “DAMN.” if it doesn’t introduce us to Kung Fu Kenny, giving KDot a whole new persona? Who is Kurt Cobain if not the only person in the world who could and would write the song “Dumb”? 

Let us rejoice! Because the good news is that these super awesome quirky people don’t have to be famous! In fact, I see thousands of you strolling campus every single day. I see you on Monday in your white Doc Martens and The Strokes t-shirt (Hi Caela). On Tuesday, when I pass you in Grady, I see your illustrated Adidas shoes and maroon cardigan (Kyra! What’s up fam?). Maybe on Wednesday it’s a pair of Vans with rolled up jeans and an “Avengers” shirt *inserts handshake* (Hey, Jacob). I see you on Thursday and Friday too (Moranel, Jake, and Queen Caroline). 

This is an ode to you, all of my favorite, weird people (not just those listed, but ALL of you weird people). Everyday I'm inspired when I see the authority and audacity you bring to being unabashedly yourself. Embracing myself was never easy. Fully diving into how I wanted to dress, what I liked to do, and who I wanted to be around was terrifying. For example, I’m pretty sure I ignored my Instagram notifications after posting a picture in my bucket hat for the first time. 

So, if you feel weird, like an OutKast, or think that a certain section of the population may look at you funny when you walk by, this article is for you. You deserve to be celebrated. You never ignored what you were inspired by and never simply became a carbon copy of what inspires you. 

So, although I may not be one of you, you all give me the confidence to be me. Even if that means I'm not as quirky or edgy as you (I wish, like really wish, I were). But nonetheless, keep shopping in your thrift stores, writing your poetry, and playing your guitar. Keep doing whatever it is that keeps you, you. Because who really fits in a box, right?

The Chapel Bell