Happy Valentines Day

third year nicolas horne

photo by avni ahuja

photo by avni ahuja

You don’t have to buy me flowers to let me know I am loved.

An embrace from just the right person, and the heart flutters like a dove.

And no, I don’t need a chocolate bouquet or an 8-feet-tall stuffed bear—

Just lay me down and hold me close, run your fingers all-through my hair.

I’d swap a locket of silver for a late-night thriller, and a bucket of popcorn

with you.

I know you’d do the same, because we’re both poor—I mean college…

What can you do?

I’d love to shower you with gifts more beautiful than you could ever, ever think,

But instead, I offer a dinner where you can order more than water to drink (just this one time).

I wish you could take me on a trip where the weather is always clear.

But (in these times of poverty) I guess all that really matters is that you’re here.

Yeah… that’s enough, as long as you’re here—no doubt.

I mean anyways, of three-hundred-sixty-five-days, why’d we single this one out?



Oh, of course—

In 1913, Hallmark marketed its first Card of Valentines,

“If I give this to my prospective lover...then they shall be mine”.

Lost romantics buy these with hope, year after year after year— 

145 million empty promises; ten billion dollars cleared.

“Yes, we said diamonds are forever, 

But the last rock you bought her is a mouse.

You need bigger and better to show her you love her.

Don’t worry, just mortgage the house”

It’s get him this and she needs that, 

How else will you know how I feel?

We’ve only been together 3 short years;

I need something to show you it’s real.

To be clear, I don’t inherently hate Valentine’s day, maybe just the importance it gets in our pop-culture sphere. I just don’t understand why we need this one day to celebrate our love for our significant others— isn’t that what anniversaries are for? We began celebrating the holiday after Catholics co-opted a pagan celebration in honor of St. Valentine, I know that. However, the day has been re-co-opted by major corporations in celebration of St. Profit. Again, I’m not saying don’t buy gifts for someone; we all love receiving gifts from special people. Just remember to spread your love and passion evenly over a whole year. That’s not to say don’t be passionate on Valentine’s day, but just make sure that passion isn’t overcompensating for your other days.

The Chapel Bell